Are you interested in learning more about Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)? Have a look at one of these online courses!
Responsible Innovation: Building tomorrow’s responsible firms
- The online course has been developed in the European PRISMA project.
- The course aims at companies and encourages them to embed RRI practices in their CSR strategy.
- The duration of the course is 6 weeks with a workload of 3-4 hours / week. The language of the course is English.
- The content includes an introduction to RRI, a roadmap for integrating RRI in CSR strategies, set up of KPIs, stakeholder analysis, Safe-by-Design and Value Sensitive Design approaches.
- The course is offered by TU Delft and is online available here.
Responsible Innovation: Ethics, Safety and Technology
- The course aims at engineering students who are looking to integrate RRI via a methodological approach.
- The duration of the course is 7 weeks with a workload of 4-6 hours / week. The language of the course is English.
- The content focusses on ethical questions and concerns of new technologies, risk assessment, Value Sensitive Design and case studies.
- The course is offered by TU Delft and is online available here (scroll down to the end of the page).
- Additionally, a book to the course is available.
Concepts and Practice of Responsible Research and Innovation
- The course has been developed in the European HEIRRI project.
- The course aims at students in higher education, researchers and all stakeholders interested in RRI. The course also contains introductory material for lecturers who would like to include RRI in their teaching.
- The online course equals 2.0 ECTS and has a workload of 50 to 60 hours.
- The content covers the history and idea of RRI, different approaches and concepts of RRI, and makes use of practical case studies.
- The material of the course includes a syllabus with links to articles, video lectures and content videos. Quizzes and exercises help to study the content and can be used for self-assessment. Presentations of lectures with an introduction to lecturers are available for interested teachers. The material can be downloaded here.